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FVG029915 | RM
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
Detail of Lago di Cave del Predil lake, Tarvisio, Julian Alps, Udine, Italy
FVG029430 | RF
photographer:  Erik Concari
The chef preparing gnocchi, Italy
FVG029427 | RM
photographer:  Erik Concari
The chef preparing gnocchi, Italy
FVG029426 | RM
photographer:  Erik Concari
Cappelletti and Anolini at pasta fresca, traditional italian food, Parma, Emilia Romagna, Italy
FVG029378 | RF
photographer:  Maria Fancello
Gion Matsuri Festival lanterns ready to light up Kyoto's night sky, Japan
FVG029375 | RM
photographer:  Maria Fancello
Gion Matsuri is the Japan's most famous festival during the entire month of July, in which locals and visitors gather to promenade in colorful yucata robes, Kyoto, Japan
FVG029344 | RM
photographer:  Maria Fancello
Wooden heart shaped pink Ema boards, Kasuga - Taisha Shrine common to Japan, in which shinto and buddhist write prayers or wishes, Nara, Japan
FVG029331 | RF
photographer:  Maria Fancello
Hand water bowls for purification in the To-ji buddhist Temple, Kyoto, Japan
FVG029249 | RF
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
The Eurasian Jay, Garrulus glandarius
FVG029113 | RF
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
Tetrao urogallus or Eurasian Capercaillie or Western Capercaillie male in mating season.
FVG029109 | RF
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
Tetrao urogallus or Eurasian Capercaillie or Western Capercaillie male in mating season.
FVG029106 | RM
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
Tetrao urogallus or Eurasian Capercaillie or Western Capercaillie male in mating season.
FVG029093 | RF
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
Tetrao urogallus or Eurasian Capercaillie or Western Capercaillie male in mating season.
FVG029092 | RM
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
Tetrao urogallus or Eurasian Capercaillie or Western Capercaillie male in mating season.
FVG029091 | RF
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
Tetrao urogallus or Eurasian Capercaillie or Western Capercaillie male in mating season.
FVG029087 | RF
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
Tetrao urogallus or Eurasian Capercaillie or Western Capercaillie male in mating season.
FVG029079 | RM
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
Tetrao urogallus or Eurasian Capercaillie or Western Capercaillie male in mating season.
FVG029075 | RM
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
Tetrao urogallus or Eurasian Capercaillie or Western Capercaillie male in mating season.
FVG029070 | RF
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
Tetrao urogallus or Eurasian Capercaillie or Western Capercaillie male in mating season.
FVG029064 | RF
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
Tetrao urogallus or Eurasian Capercaillie or Western Capercaillie male in mating season.
FVG029057 | RM
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
Tetrao urogallus or Eurasian Capercaillie or Western Capercaillie male in mating season.
FVG028959 | RF
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
Close up eurasian Griffon,Gyps fulvus, in flight
FVG028939 | RF
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
Two Eurasian Griffon (Gyps fulvus) in flight
FVG028936 | RM
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
Eurasian Griffon, Gyps fulvus, in flight
FVG028929 | RF
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
Alcedo atthis or common Kingfisher (male) fishing
FVG028928 | RM
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
Alcedo atthis or common Kingfisher (male) in the grove
FVG028927 | RF
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
Alcedo atthis or common Kingfisher (male) fishing
FVG028896 | RF
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
Lady's slipper or Cypripedium calceolus in its natural habitat.
FVG028895 | RF
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
Apollo butterfly ( Parnassius apollo ) on willow gentian ( Gentiana asclepiadea)
FVG028893 | RF
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
A rare orchid, the lesser twayblade or heartleaf twayblade, ( listera cordata ), Forni Avoltri, Carnia, Italy
FVG028890 | RM
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
Wild orchid, early marsh-orchid, Dactylorhiza incarnata
FVG028888 | RF
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
Marsh helleborine, wild orchid Epipactis palustris in the peat bog
FVG028883 | RF
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
Two butterflies southern festoons ( Zerynthia polyxena) on wild orchid military orchid ( Orchis militaris )
FVG028878 | RM
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
Southern festoon butterfly, Zerynthia polyxena, on Wild orchid ( Ophrys insectifera ) in the magical light
FVG028877 | RF
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
Southern festoon butterfly, Zerynthia polyxena, on Wild orchid ( Ophrys insectifera ) in the magical light
FVG028871 | RF
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
Lady's slipper or Cypripedium calceolus in its natural habitat.
FVG028870 | RM
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
Wild orchid, Orchis pallens, in the forest.
FVG028865 | RM
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
Old World swallowtail, Papilio machaon, on the wild orchid Ophrys incubacea subsp. incubacea
FVG028864 | RF
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
The Elder-flowered Orchid, Dactylorhiza sambucina, wild orchid.
FVG028860 | RF
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
Limodorum abortivum, commonly known as Violet Limodore, is a species of myco-heterotrophic, achlorophyllous orchid and is native to central and eastern Europe, western Asia and the Mediterranean area.
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