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FVG028917 | RM
photographer:  Alessandro Laporta
Alcedo atthis, Common Kingfisher (male) fishing
FVG027150 | RF
photographer:  Maria Fancello
A common Kingfisher, Alcedo Atthis, fishing in Durankulak lake, Bulgaria
FVG026930 | RF
photographer:  Stefano Caccia
Snow bunting, Plectrophenax nivalis, Iceland
FVG026929 | RF
photographer:  Stefano Caccia
Snow bunting, Plectrophenax nivalis, Iceland
FVG026310 | RF
photographer:  Stefano Caccia
FVG026304 | RF
photographer:  Stefano Caccia
Male Kingfisher singing
FVG026300 | RF
photographer:  Stefano Caccia
Green woodpecker in the frozen field
FVG025523 | RM
photographer:  Luciano Gaudenzio
Golden eagle portrait
FVG023694 | RF
photographer:  Luciano Gaudenzio
Duck at sunset in the Marano's lagoon, Marano Lagunare, Italy
FVG023691 | RF
photographer:  Luciano Gaudenzio
Seagulls on the Marano's lagoon, Marano Lagunare, Italy
FVG023690 | RF
photographer:  Luciano Gaudenzio
Seagulls on the Marano's lagoon, Marano Lagunare, Italy
FVG023684 | RF
photographer:  Luciano Gaudenzio
Cormorants hunting on of the Marano's lagoon, Marano Lagunare, Italy
FVG023681 | RF
photographer:  Luciano Gaudenzio
Cormorants hunting on of the Marano's lagoon, Marano Lagunare, Italy
FVG023679 | RF
photographer:  Luciano Gaudenzio
Cormorants hunting on of the Marano's lagoon, Marano Lagunare, Italy
FVG023678 | RF
photographer:  Luciano Gaudenzio
Flying cormorants on of the Marano's lagoon, Marano Lagunare, Italy
FVG023677 | RF
photographer:  Luciano Gaudenzio
Flying cormorants on of the Marano's lagoon, Marano Lagunare, Italy
FVG023676 | RF
photographer:  Luciano Gaudenzio
Flying cormorants on of the Marano's lagoon, Marano Lagunare, Italy
FVG023669 | RF
photographer:  Luciano Gaudenzio
Flying swan on of the Marano's lagoon, Marano Lagunare, Italy
FVG023668 | RF
photographer:  Luciano Gaudenzio
Flying swans on of the Marano's lagoon, Marano Lagunare, Italy
FVG023667 | RF
photographer:  Luciano Gaudenzio
Flying swans on of the Marano's lagoon, Marano Lagunare, Italy
FVG021405 | RF
photographer:  Isacco Emiliani
Great Spotted Woodpecker
FVG021403 | RF
photographer:  Isacco Emiliani
FVG003821 | RM
photographer:  Luciano Gaudenzio
White ptarmigan on snow
plumage : Images found 83 Previous