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photographer: Diana Crestan
Wood anemone or Anemone nemorosa is a plant in the Ranunculaceae family, its name means wind flower, Dolomiti Friulane natural park, Italy, Europe

photographer: Diana Crestan
The trinity herb or Hepatica nobilis is a small, spring herbaceous plant belonging to the Ranunculaceae family, Dolomiti Friulane natural park, italy, Europe

photographer: Diana Crestan
The trinity herb or Hepatica nobilis is a small, spring herbaceous plant belonging to the Ranunculaceae family, Dolomiti Friulane natural park, italy, Europe

photographer: Stefano Coltelli
Detail of the artwork in the Eleonora di Toledo apartaments, Palazzo Vecchio, Piazza della Signoria, Florence, Tuscany, Italy, Europe

photographer: Marco Ilari
Sempervivum arachnoideum in the Sibillini mountains near Castelluccio di Norcia, Umbria, Italy, Europe

photographer: Fabio Gervasoni
Japanese cups and pots at Tenjin Ichi flea Market, Kyoto, Kitano Tenmangu Shrine. This is one of Kyoto biggest antiques market, Japan

photographer: Anne Maenurm
Kärntner Käsnudel, traditional carinthian dumpling, Bad Kleinkirchheim, Carinthia,

photographer: Antonio Guarrera
Beautiful Sylvia melanocephala warbler perched on a rock

photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Flowering of geraniums in a balcony of San Martino in Badia, dolomites, Badia valley, South Tyrol, Italy, Europe

photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Saxifrage oppositifolia subsp. speciosa, Gran Sasso national park, Abruzzo, Italy, Europe

photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Saxifrage oppositifolia subsp. speciosa, Gran Sasso national park, Abruzzo, Italy, Europe

photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Saxifrage oppositifolia subsp. speciosa, Gran Sasso national park, Abruzzo, Italy, Europe

photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Saxifrage oppositifolia subsp. speciosa, Gran Sasso national park, Abruzzo, Italy, Europe

photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Anemone narcissiflora, Campo Imperatore, Gran Sasso national park, Abruzzo, Italy, Europe

photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Natural blooming in the plateau of Campo Imperatore, Gran Sasso national park, Abruzzo, Italy, Europe

photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Natural blooming in the plateau of Campo Imperatore, Gran Sasso national park, Abruzzo, Italy, Europe

photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Natural blooming in the plateau of Campo Imperatore, Gran Sasso national park, Abruzzo, Italy, Europe

photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Natural blooming in the plateau of Campo Imperatore, Gran Sasso national park, Abruzzo, Italy, Europe

photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Natural blooming in the plateau of Campo Imperatore, Gran Sasso national park, Abruzzo, Italy, Europe

photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Elder flower orchid, Dactylorhiza sambucina, Campo Imperatore, Gran Sasso national park, Appennines, Abruzzo, Italy, Europe

photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Elder flower orchid, Dactylorhiza sambucina, Campo Imperatore, Gran Sasso national park, Appennines, Abruzzo, Italy, Europe

photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Elder flower orchid, Dactylorhiza sambucina, Campo Imperatore, Gran Sasso national park, Appennines, Abruzzo, Italy, Europe

photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Elder flower orchid, Dactylorhiza sambucina, Campo Imperatore, Gran Sasso national park, Appennines, Abruzzo, Italy, Europe

photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Saxifraga biflora bloom in the Marmolada mountain range, dolomites, Italy, Europe

photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Saxifraga biflora bloom in the Marmolada mountain range, dolomites, Italy, Europe

photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Saxifraga bloom in the Marmolada mountain range, dolomites, Italy, Europe

photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Artemisia glacialis in the Marmolada mountain range, dolomites, Italy, Europe

photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Artemisia glacialis in the Marmolada mountain range, dolomites, Italy, Europe

photographer: Mauro Tronto
The leaves left on the plants color the snow cover at the edges of the Campotosto lake, Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga national park, Abruzzo, Italy

photographer: Diana Crestan
The Dog Tooth flower or Erythronium dens-canis. In the background the Hepatica nobilis

photographer: Alessandro Laporta
The Coal Tit, Periparus ater, in an icy branch, Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia.

photographer: Alessandro Laporta
Lady's slipper or Cypripedium calceolus in its natural habitat.

photographer: Alessandro Laporta
Apollo butterfly ( Parnassius apollo ) on willow gentian ( Gentiana asclepiadea)

photographer: Alessandro Laporta
A rare orchid, the lesser twayblade or heartleaf twayblade, ( listera cordata ), Forni Avoltri, Carnia, Italy

photographer: Alessandro Laporta
Wild orchid, early marsh-orchid, Dactylorhiza incarnata

photographer: Alessandro Laporta
Marsh helleborine, wild orchid Epipactis palustris in the peat bog

photographer: Alessandro Laporta
Two butterflies southern festoons ( Zerynthia polyxena) on wild orchid military orchid ( Orchis militaris )

photographer: Alessandro Laporta
Southern festoon butterfly, Zerynthia polyxena, on Wild orchid ( Ophrys insectifera ) in the magical light

photographer: Alessandro Laporta
Southern festoon butterfly, Zerynthia polyxena, on Wild orchid ( Ophrys insectifera ) in the magical light

photographer: Alessandro Laporta
Lady's slipper or Cypripedium calceolus in its natural habitat.

photographer: Alessandro Laporta
Old World swallowtail, Papilio machaon, on the wild orchid Ophrys incubacea subsp. incubacea

photographer: Alessandro Laporta
The Elder-flowered Orchid, Dactylorhiza sambucina, wild orchid.

photographer: Alessandro Laporta
Limodorum abortivum, commonly known as Violet Limodore, is a species of myco-heterotrophic, achlorophyllous orchid and is native to central and eastern Europe, western Asia and the Mediterranean area.

photographer: Alessandro Laporta
Lady's slipper or Cypripedium calceolus in its natural habitat.

photographer: Alessandro Laporta
The early spider-orchid (Ophrys sphegodes) it was one of the first wild orchid to blossom of the year.

photographer: Maria Fancello
Autumn colors at Fusine lakes, Julian Alps, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy

photographer: Maria Fancello
Amanita muscaria mushroom or fly agaric with autumn colors in the Fusine forest, Tarvisio, Julian Alps, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy

photographer: Anne Maenurm
Grasshopper (Chorthippus) daffodils field, Golica mount, Slovenia, Europe

photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Spring blooming in Piano Perduto Plateau, in foreground the wild pansy and in background Vettore mount immersed in last light of sunset,Castellucio di Norcia, Italy

photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Spring blooming in Piano Perduto Plateau, in foreground the wild pansy and in background Vettore mount immersed in last light of sunset,Castellucio di Norcia, Italy

photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Spring blooming in Piano Perduto Plateau, in foreground the wild pansy and in background Vettore mount immersed in last light of sunset,Castellucio di Norcia, Italy

photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Wild tulip the Pian Grande of Castelluccio di Norcia, Italy

photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Wild tulip the Pian Grande of Castelluccio di Norcia, Italy

photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
flowering bluebells at monte Fior mount, Asiago, Italy

photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
flowering bluebells at monte Fior mount, Asiago, Italy

photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Flowering of oxalis acetosella (sorrel) in spring, Asiago, Italy

photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Flowering of oxalis acetosella (sorrel) in spring, Asiago, Italy

photographer: Anne Maenurm
Dragonfly, Azure damselfly, at Männikjärve bog, Endla nature reserve, Estonia

photographer: Anne Maenurm
Dragonfly, Azure damselfly, at Männikjärve bog, Endla nature reserve, Estonia

photographer: Anne Maenurm
Dragonfly, Azure damselfly, at Männikjärve bog, Endla nature reserve, Estonia

photographer: Anne Maenurm
Andromeda polifolia or bog-rosemary in Endla Nature Reserve, Estonia

photographer: Anne Maenurm
Dragonfly, Azure damselfly, at Männikjärve bog, Endla nature reserve, Estonia

photographer: Anne Maenurm
Andromeda polifolia or bog-rosemary in Endla Nature Reserve, Estonia

photographer: Anne Maenurm
Dragonfly, Azure damselfly, at Männikjärve bog, Endla nature reserve, Estonia

photographer: Anne Maenurm
Dragonfly, Azure damselfly, at Männikjärve bog, Endla nature reserve, Estonia

photographer: Luciano Gaudenzio
Aa young woman photographs the village of Bonifacio at sunset
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