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In the center of the frame you can admire the Victoria Glacier which is kissed by the first light in the morning
FVG005266 | RM
photographer:  Fortunato Gatto
Al centro del fotogramma e' possibile ammirare il Victoria Glacier baciato dalle prime luci dell'alba
In the center of the frame you can admire the Victoria Glacier which is kissed by the first light in the morning
FVG005265 | RM
photographer:  Fortunato Gatto
Al centro del fotogramma e' possibile ammirare il Victoria Glacier baciato dalle prime luci dell'alba
In the center of the frame you can admire the Victoria Glacier which is kissed by the first light in the morning
FVG005264 | RM
photographer:  Fortunato Gatto
Al centro del fotogramma e' possibile ammirare il Victoria Glacier baciato dalle prime luci dell'alba
Mount Burgess and the Emerald Lake at sunset
FVG005263 | RM
photographer:  Fortunato Gatto
Mount Burgess ed Emerald Lake al tramonto
FVG005262 | RM
photographer:  Fortunato Gatto
A fascinating reflection at Moraine Lake
FVG005259 | RF
photographer:  Fortunato Gatto
Un affascinate riflesso a Moraine Lake
The quite vision of Moraine lake one of the most beautiful landscape of the Rockies
FVG005258 | RF
photographer:  Fortunato Gatto
La visione pacifica di Moraine Lake. Uno dei paesaggi piu' suggestivi delle montagna rocciose canadesi
The quite vision of Moraine lake one of the most beautiful landscape of the Rockies
FVG005257 | RM
photographer:  Fortunato Gatto
La visione pacifica di Moraine Lake. Uno dei paesaggi piu' suggestivi delle montagna rocciose canadesi
A beautiful view of Lake Louise in the morning
FVG005256 | RM
photographer:  Fortunato Gatto
La splendida vista di lake Louise al mattino
A beautiful view of Lake Louise in the morning
FVG005255 | RM
photographer:  Fortunato Gatto
La splendida vista di lake Louise al mattino
A beautiful view of Lake Louise in the morning
FVG005254 | RF
photographer:  Fortunato Gatto
La splendida vista di lake Louise al mattino
A beautiful view of Lake Louise in the morning
FVG005253 | RM
photographer:  Fortunato Gatto
La splendida vista di lake Louise al mattino
A beautiful view of Lake Louise in the morning
FVG005252 | RF
photographer:  Fortunato Gatto
La splendida vista di lake Louise al mattino
A beautiful view of Lake Louise in the morning
FVG005251 | RM
photographer:  Fortunato Gatto
La splendida vista di lake Louise al mattino
Misty morning at Herbert Lake
FVG005250 | RF
photographer:  Fortunato Gatto
Nebbia mattutina ad Herbert lake
The scenary at Bow Lake looks amazing after a fresh snow storm in June
FVG005249 | RM
photographer:  Fortunato Gatto
Lo scenario a Bow Lake e' meraviglioso dopo una fresca nevicata durante il mese di Giugno
The scenary at Bow Lake looks amazing after a fresh snow storm in June
FVG005248 | RM
photographer:  Fortunato Gatto
Lo scenario a Bow Lake e' meraviglioso dopo una fresca nevicata durante il mese di Giugno
The scenary at Bow Lake looks amazing after a fresh snow storm in June
FVG005247 | RM
photographer:  Fortunato Gatto
Lo scenario a Bow Lake e' meraviglioso dopo una fresca nevicata durante il mese di Giugno
The scenary at Bow Lake looks amazing after a fresh snow storm in June
FVG005246 | RM
photographer:  Fortunato Gatto
Lo scenario a Bow Lake e' meraviglioso dopo una fresca nevicata durante il mese di Giugno
Amazing reflection at Athabasca Falls
FVG005232 | RM
photographer:  Fortunato Gatto
Splendidi riflessi presso le cascate Athabasca
Late afternoon at Athabasca Falls
FVG005231 | RM
photographer:  Fortunato Gatto
Tardo pomeriggio presso le cascate Athabasca
The beautiful view of Maligne Lake at late afternoon
FVG005229 | RM
photographer:  Fortunato Gatto
La mervigliosa vista del Lago Maligne nel tardo pomeriggio
Clouds and reflections at late afternoon
FVG005228 | RM
photographer:  Fortunato Gatto
Nuvole e riflessi del tardo pomeriggio
FVG005227 | RM
photographer:  Fortunato Gatto
FVG005226 | RM
photographer:  Fortunato Gatto
FVG005225 | RM
photographer:  Fortunato Gatto
Mount Rundle is reflected into the water of Vermillion Lake during a grey day
FVG005224 | RM
photographer:  Fortunato Gatto
Monte Rundle riflesso nelle acqua del lago Vermillion durante una giornata grigia
Moonlght in Jokulsarlon lagoon
FVG005180 | RM
photographer:  Alessandro Carboni
La luna piena illumina la laguna dello Jokulsarlon
Aurora Borealis in Jokulsarlon lagoon
FVG005178 | RM
photographer:  Alessandro Carboni
Aurora Borealis in Jokulsarlon laguna
An abstract image made at down in Jokulsarlon
FVG005177 | RM
photographer:  Alessandro Carboni
Un astratto realizzato all'alba nella famosa spiaggia Jokulsarlon
The black beach of Vik and his famous cliff
FVG005171 | RM
photographer:  Alessandro Carboni
La famosa spiaggia nera di Vik e le sue rinomate scogliere
The Iceland offers itself to our sight with its icy landscapes
FVG005165 | RM
photographer:  Alessandro Carboni
L'islanda si offre alla nostra vista con i suoi paesaggi ghiacciati
Jokulsarlon at dawn
FVG005160 | RM
photographer:  Alessandro Carboni
La famosa spaiggia di Jokulsarlon all'alba
Jokulsarlon at dawn
FVG005159 | RM
photographer:  Alessandro Carboni
La famosa spiaggia di Jokulsarlon ripresa all'alba
The biggest waterfall in Europe during the winter time.
FVG005152 | RM
photographer:  Alessandro Carboni
La più grande cascata d'Europa, nota "la cascata nera", nel nord ovest dell'Islanda
Godafoss waterfalls in northern Iceland.
FVG005148 | RM
photographer:  Alessandro Carboni
Cascate Godafoss nel nord dell'islanda.
Detail of waterfalls Godafoss in northern Iceland.
FVG005143 | RM
photographer:  Alessandro Carboni
Particolare delle cascate Godafoss nel nord dell'Islanda.
Volcanic rock formations covered by snow
Formazioni rocciose laviche coperte dalla neve
FVG005142 | RM
photographer:  Alessandro Carboni
Volcanic rock formations covered by snow Formazioni rocciose laviche coperte dalla neve
Wind and snow along a beach in Iceland
FVG005135 | RM
photographer:  Alessandro Carboni
Vento e neve lungo una spiaggia islandese
characteristic cliff overlooking the sea, illuminated by the moonlight
FVG005129 | RM
photographer:  Alessandro Carboni
caratteristica scogliera a picco sul mare illuminata dal chiarore lunare
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